Saturday, July 13

What Does Faith Really Mean?

Here are some things about faith you might not have thought of before..............
1.  Faith is NOW, it's not tomorrow, or next week, but it's now.  The Bible says "Now faith is......"   If we wait to have faith to witness to someone they might die and go to hell tomorrow.  If we wait to apply for that promotion until tomorrow because we are afraid then someone else might get it tomorrow. 

Our faith has to be a NOW faith.......that is what God wants.  When David faced Goliath his faith had to be a now faith or the battle might have been lost. 

2.  How does faith work?  Faith works by love this is what Gal. 5:6 tells us.  David and Daniel were both men of great faith, but their faith was energized by love for their God. 

When you have a dream you need an "above all"  because someone is going to say to you "you can't do that" and most likely it's going to be a family member or a close friend.  So you need an above all and what that above is gets explained in Ephes.  "Above all take up the shield of faith............."  You better have your shield up today because you might have a dream tomorrow. 

How do we have faith?  We fix our eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.  This is what the Bible says in Hebrews 12.  Jesus will help us write the first sentence, paragraph, page, chapter and book on our faith.  He will perfect our faith if we keep our eyes on Him so we are established and cannot be moved.  We won't be moved because of his great love that surrounds us. 

God Bless You!

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